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Grading of Engineered Wood and Laminate Flooring

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Engineered  Wood

Colour Variation :
Natural colour variations occur in all your real wood flooring. This is a beautiful feature that can bring warmth and character to your installed floor. Evenly distributing these colours pre-installation will allow your installer to produce a truly unique floor.  


Knots appear as an integral feature of a real wood flooring,  they will vary in size and shape and give real character to your installed floor. Knots will be sympathetically filled often using black or brown filler to enhance this feature.


Sapwood appears lighter in colour and is formed from younger outer areas of a tree. Randomly blending planks that display sapwood, can enhance this natural feature and your complete floor.  

Laminate Floors

We strongly recommend you ask your installer to discuss this before installation.       

Laminate Flooring, what does an AC Rating mean?   When it comes to laminate flooring, its all about the AC rating. You should find the AC rating on all packs of laminate floor that you buy. If its not on there, our advice is simple, do not buy it ! So what is the AC rating and how can it help you to decide what laminate floor to buy?   Over the years, the popularity and array of laminate flooring led to the European Producers of Laminate Flooring (EPLF) developing a set of standards for grading laminate floor. This system is known as the Abrasion Rating System.   The Abrasion Rating System encompasses a series of tests that include impact resistance, burn resistance, stain resistance, swelling under moisture, and also includes a Tabor Abrasion test. From this test, the results are collated, and the laminate floor is given an AC rating (which means abrasion class rating), with the higher the number often associated with the better quality laminate floor. 

AC1 laminate flooring is designed for residential areas with light traffic. Great for bedrooms. 

AC2 laminate flooring can withstand more traffic than AC1. Suitable for living rooms and dining rooms.

AC3 laminate flooring can withstand any type of heavy residential traffic, such as hallways and may also be used in a professional setting with light traffic.

AC4 laminate flooring is designed for commercial applications with moderately intense traffic. Ideal for small shops and offices. 

AC5 laminate flooring is designed for high-traffic commercial areas like department stores, shopping centres, and office buildings. It has a rough finish that can withstand the most abuse.

AC6 Commercial flooring laminate is now a recommended option for extremely high-wear public areas such as shopping malls, supermarkets, major retailers, discount warehouses, airport terminals, bus and train stations.

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